How It Works
A two-month 1:1 package that includes:
- Eight 30-minute accountability Zoom sessions that follow the introduction, each of the six course modules, and the final wrap-up.
- Access to an online workspace during the program to track progress and ensure exercises are completed prior to each meeting
- Strategic guidance, encouragement and email support during the program (48-hour response time Monday through Friday)
Why It Works
Convenient: online meetings and virtual shared workspace
Clarity: focused assignments and clear action steps
Optimism: positive attitude infused interactions
Compassion: a safe environment for learning, sharing and growing
Results: track progress, celebrate wins and amend as needed
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get a refund on coaching services?
Refunds are only available before any coaching services have been provided. Once the coaching has begun, there are no pro-rated refunds.
How do I schedule my appointment?
Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive a calendar link and further instructions on how to book your appointments.
Can I purchase coaching more than once?
Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.